/ Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Updated: 2023-04-04
FREESTYLE Telecom Technologies Inc. (the Company) is committed to keeping personal information accurate, confidential, secure and private. This Privacy Policy has been designed to inform contracted agents, direct employees, customers, consumers, clients and third parties of the Company's commitment and recognition of our obligation to meet the spirit and terms of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and contain elements that harmonize with the EEU General Data Protection Rules(GDPR).

Our Privacy Policy describes the principles by which the Company protects the privacy of personal information in its possession. It addresses the reasons why such information is collected, how it is used, how its confidentiality is protected and outlines individual rights in respect of this information.

What this Privacy Policy Covers
This Privacy Policy covers the Company's treatment of personally identifiable information under the care and control of the Company, or that the Company collects on this website. This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors and affiliates and their relative interaction, where required, to information that is under the care and control of the Company.

The Company is accountable for the protection of all personal information within the organization's possession or control, including any personal information that has been transferred to a third party for regulatory, legal or processing purposes. The Company requires a comparable level of protection of this information from its third-party vendors. The Company has established a Privacy Officer, who has overall responsibility for the protection of personal information and for compliance with this Privacy Policy.

Identifying Purposes
Personal information that the Company collects from and regarding contractors, employees, consumers and clients is used to determine suitability of contractor status or employment, provide access to certain information for contractors and employees, validate an individuals identity, provide services as requested by clients, contact and correctly identify consumers, provide customer choices of multiple contact channels, understand the most convenient time and place of communication, make or receive payments, suggest appropriate contact and payment methods and may include, but is not limited to:
  • personally identifiable information such as names and addresses;
  • other contact information, such as telephone numbers, email addresses;
  • images and voice recordings of contractor and employee applicants;
  • language preferences and special accessibility/communication requirements;
  • information regarding customer transactions, such as account numbers, account balances, payment history;
  • credit, identification and reference information, such as date of birth, employment information, driver license numbers, previous addresses, and general financial information or;
  • bank information or payment preferences for pre-authorized payments.
Limiting Collection
The Company limits the amount and type of personal information it collects to that which is necessary for the business of the company and as permitted by law. Personal Information will be collected using procedures that are fair, transparent and lawful.

Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention
The Company will only use personal information for the purpose for which it was collected unless consent is given by the individual to use or disclose it for another purpose or as is required by law.

Under certain exceptional circumstances, the Company may have a legal duty or right to disclose personal information without the individual's knowledge or consent.

The Company has developed explicit retention periods for each classification of information, after which the information will be destroyed or made anonymous.

The Company shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information will be kept accurate, complete and up to date. Individuals may challenge the accuracy and completeness of personal information about them and have it amended, as appropriate.

In executing its responsibilities with respect to the confidentiality of personal information, the Company will employ a number of safeguards, appropriate to the sensitivity of the information, to protect personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. Such safeguards will include physical measures, organizational measures and technological measures, for example locked filing cabinets, restricted access to offices, security clearances, limiting access on a need-to-know basis and the use of passwords and encryption. Procedures for implementing these measures will be communicated to all employees and third parties to ensure compliance with this principle.

The Company will make its policies and practices relating to the protection of personal information available to its employees, contractors, consumers, customers and clients. The Company will keep these parties informed of these policies and practices and shall provide access to all related policies and procedures via the Company web page. The information will be available in a format that is easy to understand.

Individual Access
Any person can have access to the personal information about them that the Company has in its possession or control. Any person may request that their personal information be amended for purposes of accuracy and completeness.

Any person can make a request for information in writing via email (privacy@freestyleagent.com) or by mail, to FREESTYLE Telecom Technologies Inc., Attn: Privacy Officer, Suite 410, 1100 Cremazie Boul. E., Montreal, Quebec H2P 2X2. Verbal, unsigned or unidentified requests for information will not be fulfilled.

Notification in Event of Security or Privacy Incident
In the event of a real, or perceived threat or event relating to privacy or the security of information under the care and control of the Company, the Company's designated Privacy Officer must be alerted by email at privacy@freestyleagent.com or by telephone at 1-844-961-3733 from anywhere in North America, or Worldwide at +01-778-372-0316

Changes to this Policy
In the event that the Company makes changes to this policy, a prominent announcement will be posted on the Company's website.